Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hey there!

Here I sit on a Saturday afternoon. I should be cleaning my house as the whole fandamly is coming tomorrow for Wyatt's blessing.

But true to nature, I sit here at my old friend, the computer. I love to browse your blogs and read about my friends. Although today, there aren't any new posts to read. ARGGG!

I would like you all to know that I finished self editing my book. I printed a copy and will have the kids and Bry give it a read through.

I got on line looking for writers conferences and of course, they were all last week! I hate that. Oh well, timing is everything.

So I will just say hi, get off this dang computer and get back to work!

Oh, by the way, I bought an ergonomically correct chair or kneeling chair. I'll let you know what I think.


Josi said...

Wohoo on finishing the edit! That's so awesome, Melissa. If I hear about any conferences I'll let you know. And I'd like an update about the chair as well, they've intrigued me.

Lisa M. said...

I am so impressed, Melissa. How very neat.

I love your verve. Have I told you that lately?

When are you going to let me read it, for crying out loud?
