Monday, February 23, 2009

Hugh Jackman

You know, there has always been something about Hugh Jackman that makes me melt. I've always loved his movies. I even dragged Lisa to see Van Helsing with me once,which she scowled through the entire time! I just love anything!

I had NO idea he could sing. Now I'm really in love! If a man can sing, he has my heart! Hugh did the ocsars last night, for those of you who didn't watch, and he was in a few numbers that down right floored me! I had no idea he had such talent!

The whole show was very different from those in the past. They cut costs and tried to give everything an old time feel. I really liked it. They pulled it off well. I wish they would do it this way every year. All the performances were great, funny, and entertaining, but dang! That Hugh! He's my man!


Lisa M. said...

Ha. You're right. Pretty much I did scowl!


You're so funny. Glad you liked it. I didn't get a chance to watch them this year.

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

crap! I accidentally deleted Jenny's and Josi's comments! I'm SO sorry! I was going to delete some double comments and I accidentally deleted all the marked ones!

But Jenny, you are funny! I hadn't noticed I did one blog after the other like that! lol

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

crap! I accidentally deleted Jenny's and Josi's comments! I'm SO sorry! I was going to delete some double comments and I accidentally deleted all the marked ones!

But Jenny, you are funny! I hadn't noticed I did one blog after the other like that! lol

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

okay. this is wierd. It's doing doubles again.

Lisa M. said...

Lissy Lou.

Cut your caffeine intake by half.

Quit taking the little blue pills.

And things will come into focus again.


(I know you don't drink caffeine. I actually think that could be your REAL problem!)

Julie Wright said...

Did you see the movie Scoop? It was awesome and Hugh did a great job in it. I agree with you, that man is just plain fun to look at. I loved Van Helsing