As of Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 1:30 pm, Wyatt is ours! Ours forever after Saturday! It is so wonderful! And you have no idea what we have gone through to make it happen. Talk about stress. Maybe I'll write about it someday, but for now, I can't.
Suffice it to say, IT'S OVER! No one can take him away! It feels so good.
The adoption went great. It was lighthearted and happy. There were members of his birth family there as the adoption for Wyatt's other brother was happening right after to his uncle, who now is his daddy.
Anyway, I invited them to be in on ours if they wanted. For the first time ever, Wyatt's birth great grandmother held and saw him. She pulled him to her cheek and cried. It was very touching. I took a picture of them together. His birth Grandma and Grandpa were also there and held him part way through. He got to see lots of cousins and aunts and uncles.
The birth father was not there thank heavens. I would not have let him in. He is too volatile.
I stayed and watched his brother be adopted and his 2 older sisters to a different family. It was very happy and very sad at the same time. His birth mom is at the point of the mountain, in prison. I sent her a bunch of portraits from Wyatt's 1 year pictures.
I had a broken heart for her the whole day. I know, that in spite of her addictions and problems, she loved her kids. She just couldn't do it. Couldn't stick with it. Couldn't stay clean. Couldn't stay away from the birth father who was very bad for her. Had no support from family. It seems almost hopeless for her.
Wyatt also had adopted Grandma there plus 2 aunts and a bunch of cousins. Also Lisa and Tash were there to support us. It was wonderful! Thank you! You are wonderful friends!
God bless us, one and all.
Writing Reality: The Undoer is Here!
Writing Reality: The Undoer is Here!: CLEAN TEEN PUBLISHING PROUDLY
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8 years ago
Wa-Hoo! Congratulations!
Hooray!!!!! Hooray!!!! Hooray!!!!! Hooray!!!! Hooray to infinity!!!! (or should I say "to eternity")
I am so very happy for you! And for Wyatt. What a wonderful blessing.
Congrats, Hugs, Kisses, High-fives, Wa-Hoos, Thumbs-up, and Love on your great news!!!!!
Great news in deed! Weeeeeeee!
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