OK. I have the most awesome friend who makes the most beautiful jewelry. We met in the foster care classes and have become like sisters. She just moved to this area a little while ago and it is so fun to have another close friend.
She came over today to work on jewelry while we visit and we ended up cleaning ALL my jewelry and fixing things that were broken. We re-strung a strand of pearls that were my grandmothers that I have never been able to wear for fear that the thread would break.
I have bought the most GORGEOUS stuff. Yesterday I bought a pair of smoky quartz earings and a pair of mossy agate or something or other. Beautiful. I have a pair of blue quartz earings and necklace and well.... lots of stuff. She only uses real stones and jems and mostly sterling silver but does gold too. The silver seems to be more popular now a days. Anyway, She is at the Farmer's market in Salt Lake at Pioneer park every Saturday. Take your wallets because her stuff is so great! I had a hard time getting my stupid camera to focus but I hope you get the idea. These pieces are beautiful up close. The pictures do not do them justice. they are called "D'hulst Origionals"
I admit I am a jewelry junky. Like Yolanda and shoes, it's me and bling bling! I love all kinds and having a friend who readily has it is killing me! I even just bought a new jewelry box that is tarnish resistant. I am a sucker! They say one is born every day! But what does a girl do? Pretty things make me happy! My in-laws have never understood it. None of them wear jewelry very often. I told my hubby I wanted some kind of diamond anything for our 10th anniversary because the diamond is for 10 years. Anyway, my in-laws thought I was being selfish and greedy. I don't discuss my addiction with them anymore!
Well, Have a bright and sparkly day!
Melissa you do have the most beautiful jewlery. I loved the things that your sister gave you for your birthday.
Wow, fixing your Grandma's pearls, that is awesome.
You have such light. I am so glad I know you and that you just live right down the street.
How fun. I go throw phases where I wear more jewelry than others. My sister makes jewelry too. Enjoy it.
I'm older and I have more insurance, um -unsolisited advice.
Talk with your guy and let him understand the meaning behind the bling and why, for you, it is worth the cost. If he still disagrees, let it go for a while.
If he agrees and a gift is the responce, you need to know that where much is given much is expected...and men don't like jewelry, usually. Most men just want respect and gratitude...lots and lots of gratitude. Make sure EVERYONE knows where that bling came from and who was respocible for placing it in your charge, and make sure he overhears you braggin' about how FREAKING LUCKY you are to have such a MAN. Make sure you show him gratitude in other ways as well.
Now on to the in-laws. HE needs to be the one to deal with them. HE needs to let them know he is a MAN (who knew?)-evidently they are forgetting they reared a person to do this very thing. He is successful enough in both career and marriage to afford such luxuries for his ETERNAL wife and the mother of his children.
He needs to let them fully understand HE makes his own decisions and this was HIS idea, and that to him, YOU ARE WORTH the price of that gift AND MORE.
This bling, whether they agree or not is his way of letting others know HE married You. In other words, "back off brother, she's MINE!"
He also needs to let them understand that if they give you grief over it, he will take his "wife and their grandkids home until they recieve the respect and honour they deserve." i.e. he won't allow you to be verbally or otherwise assalted by them or anyone.
The only way they are allowed to comment at all is if you have gone to them for financial support or advice. Even then it is still your decision to make, however unwisely if you have to borrow to make the purchase.
Hope this helped. It did in our household.
p.s. I'm totally diggin' the necklace with the turquois glass and swirly silver...really pretty. and pearls? from your gramma? MAN!
That is some GREAT looking stuff. Although I'm no junky with the jewely. I wear my standard. Still love it all.
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