I need to write SOMETHING as I am so tired of looking at my picture! Nothing exciting has happened that I feel like writing about though. So.....
I have felt a little sick all week. I haven't worked out since last Tuesday. I feel really tired, nauseous and head achy. Not too bad but bad enough that I want to sit in bed and do nothing.
I can't get my new hair cut to look like the stylist did. It's maddening.
I am reading "The Stand". It's ok. Not that well written in my opinion but the more you get in to it, the harder it is to lay down. It's a good book for Halloween week.
Bryan avoids me. I must be ornery.
The house is a mess and it doesn't it concern me.
I hope I start feeling better soon!
Writing Reality: The Undoer is Here!
Writing Reality: The Undoer is Here!: CLEAN TEEN PUBLISHING PROUDLY
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8 years ago