Latest update. Today, I am discouraged. I just don't know if I want to keep doing this nursing. I have had a really hard time the last 3 days.
My nipples hurt almost unbearably, and I can't nurse as often and as much as he wants to eat. I don't know if I should keep going or stop. I wonder if he isn't getting enough of the ariola (sp?) in his mouth but he WILL NOT open it bigger. If babies don't take in enough of you, you will get sores and it will hurt more.
I had a friend who had to bottle feel because her baby's mouth was too small to open big enough. Most babies who are bottle fed have a really hard time going to the breast and a lot of breastfed babies who are started on a bottle wean themselves from the breast. Bottles are just easier to suck on.
So, here I am. So discouraged. Bry thinks I should quit and just bottle feed. He sees how sore I am. I think I will call this lady I talked to before to find out how long it took for her and if she was this sore etc.... I'll let you know what I decide.
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8 years ago
It's your call (obviously) but here's my thought... I really really dislike the 1st week of nursing - it KILLS! I cannot even imagine trying to do it without the help of all the "hormones." I think it's great that you are giving this a shot. I would definitely call the lady you first talked to and get her counsel. I would also go in to see a lactation specialist and see if they have any ideas or suggestions. Then - if you decide to give it up, know that you gave it a good honest effort and that Wyatt will be fine either way. Part of the joy of breastfeeding is the bonding and sharing. If it is causing so much pain and trouble that you lose that loving bonding ability, it may not be worth it. Good luck with whatever you do - I think you are amazing!
Love ya!
I'm sorry that it's been such a struggle. It's obvious that you are giving it all you have. Maybe you can pump and at least then he would get the milk. I don't even know if that is possible.
Whatever you decide will be okay. Don't be to hard on yourself.
Here's my unsolicited opinion...Of course breast milk is best...But I read a study that if either the mom or baby is "stressed" or having a hard time, that it can have a psychological effect on the baby, meaning that they can feel the stress of the situation...
I always think that the first 3-4 weeks are the hardest, then everything sorta "cicks." But, if it's a matter of the baby just not latching properly (my first son did not latch properly, and after 3 weeks of trying, he did SO MUCH BETTER on the bottle w/ formula...well...we BOTH did!!!) then you might need to reevaluate--No one is going to call you a "bad mom" for not nursing!!
I know Yolanda. I had to do that with my first. I am actually leaning that way. It breaks my heart though.
I'm pretty sad about it.
I'm thinking of you!!!
xoxo Yolanda
Thinking of you too.....
I always had sore nipples with my first 4 babies, then someone told me to use a washcloth to rub them every day in the shower to toughen that tender skin up. Baby #5 only gave me a few days trouble.
I agree with everyone else--- You're doing absolutly everything you can... Keep your sanity in whatever way you need your baby. :)My husband was not breastfed, and he turned out pretty darn good. :)
i really have no advice for you... i just want you to know that i am here for ya...
hey.... just wanted you to know that i tagged you...
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