Monday, April 06, 2009


Oh, I just hate it when the weekend is over. I especially love the feeling of conference weekend. The fam just seems more happy, more relaxed. Plus, the sun finally came out to play. That alone improves my mood.

I have a bone to pick. It is with facebook. I myself use facebook and I enjoying it. In fact, I love it. I love finding old friends and distant family. Reconnecting with people I thought I'd never see again. What I don't love is no longer seeing my friends post on their blogs! I miss them. Ya ya, I could check out facebook more often but there is something deeper, more personal about people's posts on their blog. We get to see a bit more than the short paragraphs on facebook.

So this is my plea. Please don't give up on blogging. Love to all! Have a great week!


Tash said...

i know i know im awful at remebering to blog.. facebook is nice.. a couple sentences your all done lol. but i know its nothing indepth... i will make an effort :) lol

Jennie said...

i know exactly how you feel! i have done the same thing though! i love love love facebook for all of the same reasons you mentioned! but i find that i have been posting less and less on my blog.

i love blogging too though! i need to find that happy medium again! thanks for the reminder... i need to get back into by blog routine!

i have thought this many times... but don't know if i have ever said it to you...

you make a difference to me. thanks!