I've been meaning to place a new post here but
The fourth was so much fun. Half of my family ended up inviting themselves to my house. At first, I rebelled. I had been looking forward to a quiet little holiday, but my nephew came into town who has been serving in Afghanistan and I couldn't turn them away. I love him and his little family too much. And it was the 4th of July after all.
He's in the Army Speci
Jared's sister, Jennifer and mom (my sister) came up and we bar-b-qued and went to the Brigham fireworks. It was so much fun! I just love family. Most of the time! lol
All in all, it was a perfect day!
Too bad you didn't come to Willard Fireworks--then it would have been a perfect weekend :-)
Yeah, they were probably better! lol
We had a houseful too. And as much as i love to see them come . . . I love to see them go! My house is still looking like a war remnant but it was so much fun having them all. I'm glad your weekend was great. Delta fireworks weren't so great. You'd have been better off in Willard :)
I absolutely loved the holiday! I am so glad, we hung out at the parade!
I didn't know you didn't want company and you felt rebellious at first!!! I loved the day we had even though I got damaged on your trampoline!! I'm glad we got to spend it with you. You are so much fun and I love playing with you and your family.
Love your big Sister,
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